How to apply for jobs more efficiently

What started off as an exciting journey soon became a headache. 😣 You've sent out so many CVs you are beginning to lose hope count. 🔢 You are starting to doubt your skills and not sure if you will ever be good enough. 😭

What should you do?! 🤔

You should change your job search strategy and apply for jobs more efficiently! 🤯

Here’s how! 👇

Less is more! 😍

Ask yourself this; are you really interested in all the jobs you are applying for?! 🤔 If not, stop wasting your time and focus your energy on companies and job roles you are genuinely interested in even though they are not that many. Try to really understand and connect with the company, industry,  job role and hiring recruiter.

Do you have the required skills?👩‍💻

Most companies add a list of required skills and experience as a guiding list of who they are looking for. 🕺  In most cases companies do not expect you to have all of them as the “perfect” candidate does not exist, however, if you do not possess the majority of the skills required chances are they will not move forward with your application. 

Customise 🧵

Remember to never rush through the application process and take the needed time to focus and customise your CV and application accordingly to the job role.

Pro tip! Make sure you adapt your CV to the job ad and mention your genuine interest in the company, industry and job role on your cover letter/motivational letter. 🙌

Fresh eyes helps 👀

Your eyes can easily get exhausted from all the screen looking leaving spelling mistakes undiscovered. 😰 There is no shame in asking friends, family, former managers or even a recruiter you connected with to (proof)read your application.

Connect with the recruiter 💁💁‍♂️

There is no secret that the job market is tough as several people apply for the same jobs, making it even more difficult to stand out. 😩 Try reaching out to the hiring recruiters through social media platforms like LinkedIn without overdoing it.

Network 🌐

They say your network is your net worth, if that’s the case, use it for all it’s worth! 💪 Grab a coffee (virtually) with former colleagues, managers, other professionals and recruiters you connected with earlier, they might know or refer you to a hiring recruiter. 

Stay positive and be patient 😎

You should enjoy your free time because sooner or later you will be working again! 🥳 Try to devote some time to personal care, learn new skills or do something you love.


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